Get Advanced Magnetic Pain and Inflammation Relief at Home!

How to Use

How to Use NOVA Recovery’s PEMF Technology

If you suffer from persistent nerve pain or inflammation in your soft tissue, NOVA Recovery’s Pulse Wraps may help. These noninvasive wraps use gentle, low-frequency pulse electromagnetic frequency (PEMF) technology to relieve quick, clinically proven inflammation
and pain.
The wraps are designed for each body part and use gentle magnetic pulses and heat to increase blood flow to the target areas. This can bring more nutrients to areas of your body that need them to aid in healing and lowering damaging inflammation.

To use the wrap, follow these instructions to get the best results.

Clean and Dry Your Skin

Make sure your skin is clean and dry on the area where you will use the wrap.

Center the Wrap

Simply place the center of the wrap above the areas where you feel the pain or inflammation.

Secure the Wrap

Secure the wrap around your body, ensuring it stays in place during use.

Activate the Wrap

Turn on the wrap when it’s positioned over the site of your nerve pain.

Watch the Time

Use the wrap for 15 to 45-minute sessions up to several times a day. Be careful to check your skin for any discomfort from the wrap.

Additional Notes

While you can conduct as many sessions as you like, we recommend you space each session by at least an hour. Make sure the wrap is not too tight to impact circulation.

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About Us

NOVA Recovery’s PEMF Technology

Soft tissue pain can be life-changing. Whether it’s from injury, disease, surgery, or the effects of aging, the constant pain can disrupt your quality of life, relationships, and career. Relief can be difficult to come by and often requires the use of dangerous and addictive medications.
NOVA Recovery’s PEMF technology uses pulse electromagnetic frequency (PEMF) technology to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. The belt uses low-frequency electromagnetic pulses
carefully timed to reduce the pain you may experience after an accident, surgery, or a degenerative condition impacting your soft tissue.
With the NOVA Pulse Wraps, you can have a way to relieve pain that doesn’t require the use of dangerous, expensive, and potentially addictive medications.
Best of all, there’s virtually no limit to how often, when, or where you use a NOVA for Pulse Wrap. Take it on the go or use it while relaxing at home after a long day. This safe and portable device can provide relief wherever you take it!

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NOVA Recovery PEMFs Frequently Asked Questions

NOVA Recovery’s Pulse Wraps can offer life-changing relief without needing medication. Find out the answers to any questions about it before using the device!

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Research and Benefits

Find out how NOVA Pulse Support can change your life!

NOVA Pulse Wraps offer unique health benefits that can transform your relationship with your health. A recent study reviewing decades of PEMF research found a wide range of potential pain relief benefits from devices using this technology. Even though a lack of standardization across the decade of tests has made it challenging to extrapolate proven results for most users, the body of work indicates patients can experience pain relief from PEMF technology.

With its EM pulse technology, NOVA Pulse Wraps can offer instant pain relief sensations. The pulses can interfere with the nerve’s pain signals, sent immediately when the device is activated. NOVA Pulse Wrap users can enjoy greater mobility with less pain. Users can conduct motions that would have previously caused pain or been difficult due to inflammation when using the device. Notably, patients can enjoy these potential results without medication or invasive surgery.

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